Welcome to the LuaEdit official website! LuaEdit is an IDE/Debugger/Script Editor designed for the 5.1 and/or 5.2 version of Lua. It features remote debugging, local debugging, syntax highlighting, completion proposal list, parameter proposition engine, advance breakpoint management (including condition system on breakpoints and hit count), function listing, global and local variables listing, watches, solution oriented management, etc.
To discuss openly about LuaEdit, feel free to use our designated forums and/or trackers on SourceForge.
You may also make a donation to the LuaEdit team to support developpers' softwares upgrades, website maintenance, etc. The donation system works through PayPal via the SourceForge.net website where LuaEdit is also registered. All donations will be appreciated no matter what size. To make a donation, please follow this link.

LuaEdit 3.0.10
Posted on 07.17.2012 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.10 has been released. This mainly fixes two major bugs: The check syntax command not working anymore and
debugging scripts with embedded for loops.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.9 Released
Posted on 03.29.2012 by Jean-François Goulet
In this release of LuaEdit 2010, we brought major changes in our licensing. While the client-side (the IDE itself) will remain
licensed under GPL, the server-side (the actual debugger) will be licensed under LGPL to allow for redistribution of commercial products with the debugger.
Also, LuaEdit 2010 is now connected to a MySQL database to allow checking for updates and logging data in crash reports
to target bugs faster and more efficiently.
Finally, in the next release, we should have a fixed version of our rdbg*.lib static libraries in regards to crashes associated with memory mis-alignment
due to differences in the size of lua_State struct between LuaEdit's version and native Lua's version.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.8 Released
Posted on 01.31.2012 by Jean-François Goulet
This release of LuaEdit 2010 mainly target bug fixes. If you had a bug in one of our previous releases,
chances are it is fixed in 3.0.8. If not, please let us know using our bug tracker system.

LuaEdit goes 64-bit with 3.0.7
Posted on 12.13.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.7 has been released. The release has no new features and no bug fixes. It is simply
a symbolic release to mark the starting point of the 64-bit portability of LuaEdit 2010.
From now on, LuaEdit's binaries will always be available in both 32-bit (x86) and
64-bit (x64) version.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.6 Released
Posted on 12.13.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.6 has been released. This version features
support for Lua 5.2 debugging, making LuaEdit 2010 the first debugger
to officially support Lua 5.2. Visit our History page for a complete listing of new features and bug fixes.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.5 Released
Posted on 11.27.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.5 has been released. Visit our
History page for a complete listing of new features and bug fixes.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.4 Released
Posted on 11.11.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.4 has now been released. Among some of the new
features, you will find that we have added a new symbol parsing system that allows for
code completion / autolist. Visit our History page for a complete
listing of new features and bug fixes.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.3 Released
Posted on 10.25.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.3 has been released. Visit our
History page for a complete listing of new features and
bug fixes.

LuaEdit 2010 3.0.2 Released
Posted on 10.10.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
LuaEdit 2010 3.0.2 has been released. This version features
"Set next statement" (via drag'n'drop), syntax coloring settings and "Find in files".
Visit our History page for a complete listing of new features and
bug fixes.

LuaEdit moves to SourceForge!
Posted on 05.27.2011 by Jean-François Goulet
Today we announce that LuaEdit will be switching over
to SourceForge.net as its main development platform.
The services available should greatly be improved by such change, especially when it comes
to source code availability and internet access speed. The domain www.luaedit.org will remain
up and running.

LuaEdit 2010 pre-alpha released!
Posted on 09.06.2009 by Jean-François Goulet
After many hours of hard work, LuaEdit 2010 has finally reached a point
in its development where it is stable enough to be released to the public.
This version of LuaEdit 2010 is certainly not final, since many
features are not yet available. For a brief list of these features, you may consult the project task list
on LuaForge.
This version features both local and remote debugging, solution/project management,
breakpoints, bookmarks, locals and output streaming. We hope you will enjoy what you see in this
early release of LuaEdit 2010.
We have many plans for future versions of LuaEdit 2010
and unlike many other Lua IDEs, LuaEdit strives to remain a free
software. Your contribution to the project would be greatly appreciated. By providing us feedback,
suggestions and bug reports, you play a very important role in the software's development.

LuaEdit gets a whole new look
Posted on 06.24.2008 by Jean-François Goulet
We are proud to announce today LuaEdit's next version: LuaEdit 2010.
This version will support the latest release of Lua (5.1.3) and will include the following new features: remote debugging, easy software integration and
solution oriented management. It will also include almost all previous features, such as syntax highlighting, code completion, locals, variable watch, etc.
LuaEdit 2010 is still under developpment, so if you have any suggestions to make, please do so before the release by using our
Contact Us section.
Release date to be announced later, stay tuned for more details.